Generative AI... commando style!

Artificial intelligence in commando mode

Clearly, generative artificial intelligence marks a revolution. These innovative technologies are becoming essential for organizations and society as a whole.

The ability to exploit them effectively is rapidly becoming THE new source of productivity and competitiveness.

Right now, you might consider these new technologies to be dangerous, and probably rightly so: potential data leaks, impact on work and employees, curious hallucinations, uncertain business models and use cases...

But is this the real danger in this new context?

Beware of turbulence!

If you're in the driver's seat, expect a few jolts. You may have already felt a few vibrations, but this is just the beginning. These weak signals will only get stronger.

So how do you take advantage of opportunities while minimizing risks?

This is no easy task, as generative artificial intelligence is changing digital transformation itself.

However, if you embrace this vision, you're already halfway there, so all you need to do is figure out how to put it into practice.

Be careful with yesterday's logic...

I assume you have several resources at your disposal to help you understand this development. Your favorite software publishers have promised you GPT integration in the near future.

You might then think that the problem has been solved. You can experiment with generative AI using your usual productivity software. Staying in your comfort zone. Yesterday's logic... it's so much more comfortable, isn't it?

But is it really the right choice?

The greatest danger in turbulent times is not the turbulence, but acting with yesterday's logic. Peter Drucker

In my mind, that would be a mistake. Indeed, generative AI is not an incremental innovation, or a simple isolated disruptive innovation: it's a paradigm shift. A generator of disruptive new products and services. Like electricity.

This can already be seen in the investments in these technologies in Silicon Valley, which have been on an exponential curve since November 2022...

In this context, you could simply add a GPT component to existing processes or software. In incremental mode, to be just a little more productive.

Why not? But you'd just be adopting incremental change in an exponential market.

In this new race against time, this subterfuge will give you the illusion, maybe for a year, but hardly any more, of having everything under control...

But you'd soon be overtaken by bolder competitors.

If everything seems under control, you're just not moving fast enough. Mario Andretti, racing driver

And the opportunity cost could be very high. As a reminder, opportunity cost represents the value of alternatives abandoned when a decision is made.

To emerge as a real winner, you need to prepare yourself to reinvent yourself by exploiting new business processes and models based on these new technologies.

That said, you have a business to run. An existing one, and there's no question of throwing it all in the garbage can either, you might say.

So what do we do?

You can and should sow some of your home-grown seeds in this new soil. In a nice, secluded planter, and be prepared to repot several times before embarking on a large-scale project.

By adopting a truly disruptive attitude, albeit on a small scale, you short-circuit yesterday's logic in a confined space, minimizing the potential impact on your mature activities.

Start an experiment with several steps:

  1. A pilot project on a limited functional scope.
    To promote acculturation, reassure your employees and discover collectively how to benefit from GPT.
  2. Identification of one or more promising use cases.
    Test them on a small scale, make adjustments if necessary, integrate feedback from your ecosystem and repeat until you find the most appropriate approach.
  3. Development of your best use cases.
    Integrate more collaborators and partners. Feed GPT with part of your business knowledge (use cases 9 and 7 from our matrix) and accelerate your digital transformation on a grand scale.

What are the requirements for this?

You don't necessarily need a lot of things in reality, nor do you need to spend a fortune.

You need a web platform that has developed a complete integration with the OpenAI API, so you can have all the tools you need without having to resort to your own existing tools. To free you from your past logic.

Ideally, this platform should offer the following capabilities:

  • Pre-configured spaces for idea generation, amazement reporting, collaboration and sharing prompt.
  • The ability to modify and duplicate collaborative workspaces. Or add powerful features with little or no additional code.
  • Invite external speakers and manage confidential exchanges.
  • Complementary collaboration tools such as videoconferencing, chat, workgroups, task management and an integrated CRM.

But above all, This platform should enable you to quickly test and launch experiments linked to generative innovation on different use cases. The aim is to produce a large number of cuttings and cultivate them, exploring use cases (GUM matrix).

Ideally, then, you should have a low-code platform, built from open source bricks.

Why Low code?
Because it will enable you to quickly create all kinds of applications without having to carry out costly development. You'll be able to experiment and test different use cases at lower cost, and validate corresponding business models.

Why open source bricks?
Because open source code is, by its very nature, much more accessible and available, and GPT has explored this in its general training. This means that GPT is able to design open source development and integration projects down to the last detail. It's like having a software architect and a coder at your disposal. Not so with proprietary tools.

In short, a low-code, open-source collective intelligence platform that's easy to operate and use, with secure GPT access and a host of possible extensions,

And an editor who can support you in this process. To work with you on a truly customized project... Like MARYLINK offers... Just as an example 🙂

Good luck!



Hervé Mary is co-founder and CEO of MARYLINK. He has held senior positions in a number of companies, including Alcatel Fibre Optiques, Verizon and Fujitsu. He is a graduate of ESCP and holds an MBA from Chicago Booth.

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