Publishing teams

Boost collaboration with teams

Sur une plateforme MARYLINK, les publications peuvent avoir des équipes, c’est-à-dire que plusieurs membres peuvent faire partie d’une publication. Cette fonctionnalité permet une interaction plus ciblée et privée entre les auteurs, co-auteurs et certains membres spécifiques de la plateforme.

The team members of a publication can exchange in private with the authors and co-authors of the publication (via the private comments), and respond to requests from other users. This encourages closer, safer and more efficient collaboration on specific topics.

La constitution des équipes de publication est flexible et intuitive. Les équipes peuvent être formées par auto-candidature des membres qui sont intéressés à rejoindre l’équipe,

ou par invitations des membres de la part des auteurs ou co-auteurs. Ainsi, les équipes peuvent facilement évoluer et s’adapter aux besoins de chaque publication:



The ability to have teams within publications encourages a collaborative work dynamicwhere good ideas can be refined and developed more efficiently. Whether it's a research project, an innovation challenge, or a continuous improvement initiative, publication teams offer an ideal framework for stimulating collaborative innovation.


Examples of use cases :

  1. Internal Research Project: Imagine a company launching an internal research project on a new technology. The authors of the publication dedicated to this project can invite technology experts, engineers and researchers from the company to join the publication team. Together, they can exchange ideas, discuss the latest findings, answer questions and collaborate effectively, all in a private space dedicated to the publication.
  2. Innovation Challenge : Suppose an organization launches an innovation challenge to develop a new solution to an existing problem. Participants can form teams and create publications for their proposed solutions. Teams can then use the private space of their publication to collaborate, discuss ideas, refine their proposal, and respond to questions or comments from other platform users.
  3. Continuous improvement : In a continuous improvement framework, a team might create a publication for a specific initiative, such as optimizing a manufacturing process. Team members can invite production line operators, quality managers and other stakeholders to join the publication team. This enables them to collaborate effectively, share observations, discuss opportunities for improvement, and implement solutions in a coordinated way.

Ces exemples montrent comment, en complément des listes de membres, collaborative groups and Smart SpacesOur publications teams encourage focused and effective collaboration, while providing a safe space for the exchange of ideas and problem-solving.



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