Notifications of new publications

La fonctionnalité de notifications de nouvelles publications est un outil précieux pour aider les utilisateurs à rester à jour avec le contenu le plus récent. Cette fonctionnalité signale les publications que l’utilisateur n’a pas encore vues, en les marquant avec une étiquette « nouveau ». Cela permet à chaque membre de voir immédiatement quel contenu est nouveau pour lui depuis sa dernière visite.

When a member logs on to the platform, all new publications since their last visit will be clearly identified with this "new" label. These can include new discussions, project updates, announcements, etc. documents etc.

This feature saves users time, as they don't have to search or wonder what has changed or been added since their last visit. Instead, they can focus directly on new content, making it easier for them to keep up to date and participate more actively in ongoing discussions or projects.

Once a user has viewed a publication marked as "new", the label disappears for that publication, indicating that the user is now up-to-date with that content.

The ability to display "new" notifications on unviewed publications improves the efficiency and engagement of users on the Marylink platform, keeping them informed and up-to-date with the latest content.




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