Members reviews

Les avis (ou évaluations) des membres sont un outil précieux pour évaluer la qualité des idées, des projets et des contributions sous forme de publications personnalisées soumis dans les Smart Spaces by the other members.

Reviews can be collected via ratings on tailored criteria, such as originality, feasibility, user impact or innovation. The reviews form a 5-star rating for each criterion, which is then automatically averaged.


These ratings can be displayed as a multi-criteria star rating, allowing users to quickly understand the overall quality of the contribution.

Reviews can also be represented graphically as radars, enabling users to quickly visualize the strengths and weaknesses of a specific contribution, and to easily compare contributions with each other. This visualization can also help members identify areas in which a contribution is particularly strong or weak, which can be useful for improving their publications.

Please note

âś… You can choose your own criteria and their number.

🤖 Thanks to GPT integration, members can get additional information and help formulating their feedback!

See also: Experts reviews



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