
In a collaborative innovation workflow internship gates such as Smart Spaces MARYLINK, permissions are crucial for :

  • ensure quality and safety information,
  • foster better collaboration and more effective innovation,
  • avoid conflicts and mistakes.

The permissions in the Smart spaces are rules that determine the actions and information to which users have access en fonction de leur rôle, de leur niveau d’autorisation et des étapes du projet (stage-gate workflow). These permissions can vary according to the different stages of the workflow, with different levels of access for each stage.

Permissions may include:

  • Visualization of projects and publications
  • Participation in discussions and comments
  • Adding or modifying publications
  • The visibility of assessments and the ability to assess
  • Approval or rejection of publications
  • and more!

Grâce à la gestion fine des permissions, vous disposez d’une forte granularité every step of the way a publication, which you can edit to suit your needs.


Application example

  1. In the first stage of the workflow, users can only view projects and publications, but cannot participate in them.
  2. In the second stage, users can take part in discussions and comments, but cannot add or modify publications.
  3. Finally, in the third stage, users can add or modify publications, but must obtain approval or rejection before they are published on the platform.




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