Make content public

MARYLINK Core lets you make certain content on your platform visible to people who don't have an account. This is a very useful tool for disseminate certain informationto a wider audience, or for promote certain initiatives beyond your members.

  • Make some of the following available Smart Spaces
  • Rendez visibles certaines publications
  • Rendez visibles certaines pages

 Examples of use cases :

  • Recruiting participants for an ideas challenge : If you're organizing a hackathon or other type of ideas challenge (see for example External hackathon Smart space), you can make the challenge description visible to everyone. This can help you attract new participants, generate public interest and increase the visibility of your initiative.
  • Resource Dissemination: Si vous avez des ressources que vous souhaitez partager avec le monde extérieur, vous pouvez les rendre visibles dans un Smart space dédié (par exemple via le Smart space Ressources). Que ce soit des rapports de recherche, des guides pratiques, des articles, des videos or other types of content, this feature enables you to distribute them widely and reinforce your position as a leader in your field.

MARYLINK Core gives you the flexibility to make your platform as open or as private as you like. Whether you're looking to attract new participants, share your knowledge or promote your initiatives, MARYLINK Core gives you the tools to do so in an efficient and controlled way. It's another way MARYLINK helps you maximize the value of your collaborative innovation platform!




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